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Gluteal Augmentation with Fat

Gluteal Augmentation with Fat

What is it?

Gluteal augmentation with fat, otherwise known as the Brazilian butt lift, is a procedure designed to improve buttock contour. This is performed with liposuction of the abdomen, lower and upper back, and other indicated areas. The fat is processed and transferred into the gluteal region according to anatomical need. This surgery has gained recent interest due to a 1 in 3000 mortality rate. In an effort to minimize risks, Dr. Hartmann adheres to guidelines issued by the ASPS Gluteal fat grafting Task Force ( to minimize risk of fat embolization.

Am I a candidate?

Candidates must have enough fatty tissue to give enough volume for contouring. This will be determined at the consultation. It is also recommended that candidates be at their desired weight and stable for 3 months prior to surgery.

Before & Afters

What is recovery like?

Recovery from gluteal augmentation with fat varies. Patients are placed in a compression garment with openings to allow for no pressure on the fat transfer sites. They are asked to not sit on the area for 6 weeks to improve the fat transfer survival. They are without exertional activity for 2 weeks and they may return to the gym at 6 weeks. The compression garment is recommended for 6 weeks and then transition to a more elastic support garment for 3 months total. A specific lymphatic massage protocol will be initiated with a specific certified provider. Results are very impactful for the patient.

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Contact Info

1930 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA

(530) 487-5020

Fax. (530) 487-1729



Monday - Friday: 8am – 5pm

Weekends: Closed


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