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What is it?

This is a particular problem of abnormal breast tissue growth in genetic males who identify with a male gender (cis males). A variety of incision types can be utilized depending upon the amount of extra skin and fat. Liposuction is included as well to help contour and create a more masculine chest. A very impactful surgery for the appropriate patient.

Am I a candidate?

A thorough work up by your referring primary care doctor is necessary prior to your consult. Generally, the gynecomastia must be present for at least a year and all other causative factors must be ruled out. Dr. Hartmann will assess for candidacy and then decide the optimal surgical technique.

Before & Afters

What is recovery like?

Recovery following gynecomastia is approximately 2 weeks without exertional activity and then return to gym activities at 6 weeks (including lifting weights). You will possibly have a drain on each side for 1-2 weeks. All stitches dissolve under the skin. You will have a compression vest to wear 24/7 for the first 2 weeks and then you may wear only during the day for the next 4 weeks. You will have to sleep on your back for 6 weeks as well. Scarring will fade over the first year

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Contact Info

1930 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA

(530) 487-5020

Fax. (530) 487-1729



Monday - Friday: 8am – 5pm

Weekends: Closed


Some of the photos on this website may contain nudity of a medical nature. All photos are intended for a mature audience. If photos of this nature are offensive to you please do not view our photo galleries or procedure pages. Viewers under the age of 18 should view the content of this website with parental permission only. Results will vary based on individual body types. By clicking the button below you agree to this disclaimer.