What is it?
Liposuction is a great way to improve contour in problem areas. In certain circumstances, the procedure can be done under local anesthesia. Patients experience permanent reduction in fat cells, thus reducing the problem area forever. The incisions are very small and are placed in strategic areas that allow for feathering, and cross-hatching, to optimize outcomes. Candidates for liposuction find much satisfaction in being able to specifically address their concerns in a direct, and effective, way.
Am I a candidate?
Candidates for liposuction are those with good skin quality and visible problem areas. It cannot be performed in areas of a known hernia.
Before & Afters
What is recovery like?
Recovery time varies by patient. Patients are sent home the same day of surgery with close follow up. Restrictions include 2 weeks without exertional activity (house work, yard work, lifting greater than 15 lbs). At 6 weeks you will be allowed to return to the gym and to all other activities. Swelling will take 3-6 months to resolve.
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Contact Info
1930 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA
(530) 487-5020
Fax. (530) 487-1729
Monday - Friday: 8am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed
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