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Are you thinking about plastic surgery?

Written by Emily Hartmann MD

August 16, 2020

I’m a plastic surgeon. I LOVE to cut things and see immediate results and it’s my passion to help people improve their life. When you walk through my door I don’t see you as a 💵 sign, but rather a soul that needs guidance. ⁣
Some of my patients are ready for surgery and do extremely well. It is a satisfying experience for both me and the patient and it’s truly the best part of my job. ⁣
Unfortunately, tv shows and social media tend to glamorize plastic surgery, making it seem more like ordering fast food. Some patients I see do not want to hear about the risks or the recovery and just want their double cheeseburger to devour in their car (so to speak). I’m not the drive-thru kind of surgeon. ⁣
I’m a plastic surgeon. I LOVE to cut things and see immediate results and it’s my passion to help people improve their life. When you walk through my door I don’t see you as a 💵 sign, but rather a soul that needs guidance. ⁣⁣Some of my patients are ready for surgery and do extremely well. It is a satisfying experience for both me and the patient and it’s truly the best part of my job. ⁣⁣Unfortunately, tv shows and social media tend to glamorize plastic surgery, making it seem more like ordering fast food. Some patients I see do not want to hear about the risks or the recovery and just want their double cheeseburger to devour in their car (so to speak). I’m not the drive-thru kind of surgeon. ⁣⁣⁣Sometimes we look for a quick fix because our life is in crisis. ⁣⁣Before you book your consultation, think about this:⁣⁣What is motivating you? ⁣⁣Trouble in your relationship? ⁣Grieving the loss of something or someone? ⁣Anxiety about how you look and spending a large part of your time analyzing selfies?Feeling hopeless and desperate? ⁣Financial instability?⁣⁣⁣Often we look to quick, instant results, to make us feel good. I call this the “new pair of 👠 shoes” phenomenon. This is only temporary and after surgery you will realize your problems are still there. ⁣⁣This is why I’ve devoted my life to the pursuit of Plastic Surgery Wellness. I approach you as a whole person. We will discuss your nutrition, support network, relationships, stress level, and overall life balance. ⁣⁣When you come to see me we will spend just as much time talking about what makes you tick as we do the surgery. ⁣⁣I will be open and honest about whether or not I believe surgery is right for you. This is my promise to you.
Sometimes we look for a quick fix because our life is in crisis. ⁣
Before you book your consultation, think about this:⁣
What is motivating you? ⁣
Trouble in your relationship? ⁣
Grieving the loss of something or someone? ⁣
Anxiety about how you look and spending a large part of your time analyzing selfies?
Feeling hopeless and desperate? ⁣
Financial instability?⁣
Often we look to quick, instant results, to make us feel good. I call this the “new pair of 👠 shoes” phenomenon. This is only temporary and after surgery you will realize your problems are still there. ⁣
This is why I’ve devoted my life to the pursuit of Plastic Surgery Wellness. I approach you as a whole person. We will discuss your nutrition, support network, relationships, stress level, and overall life balance. ⁣
When you come to see me we will spend just as much time talking about what makes you tick as we do the surgery. ⁣
I will be open and honest about whether or not I believe surgery is right for you. This is my promise to you.

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